Relative Distance: A Memoir
By David Pruitt
Published October 4th 2022 by SparkPress
“David Pruitt bares his soul in this amazingly vulnerable and insightful book that will keep you thinking and fill you with hope. Pruitt takes us through a memorable and engrossing tale of his childhood trauma and its connections to his adult life. For those who have experienced physical and emotional abuse, you will feel less alone and less shame and come to new understandings about how your experiences impact your life. For example, on page 204, he writes, ”Some of us don’t make the causal connection between the anxious feelings of today and the brutal uncertainties of the past. Understanding that link and recognizing that our circumstances have changed for the better can free us from the fear—and the difficult memories. We must understand that we’re no longer helpless, no longer defenseless, and that we can now protect ourselves—and are worth protecting.” He also acknowledges that far too many do not make it to that protected place. “The desperate troubles of the past steal, more often than not, the promise of a successful future.” Thank you, David, for bringing voice to the experiences of so many children in this exceptional book. I will recommend it highly to the young adults and adults who want to better understand how childhood trauma can reverberate for a lifetime.”
Review by Kelly Sullivan, PhD, Director of Mental Health Services at CCFH.
About The Author
David Pruitt is a first-generation college graduate from UNC-Greensboro and previously served on the advisory board for their Bryan School of Business. As a senior leader in the U.S Bicycle industry, he served on the board of “People for Bikes,” a national organization with 1.3 million members that works to make riding a bicycle in America safer, easier to access, and more fun. A licensed CPA and a member of the AICPA and NCACPA, David started his business career in an entry-level accounting position before advancing to first CFO, then CEO, of Performance Bike, for a time the largest cycling retailer in the United States. He is an avid reader, a happily married husband for over thirty years, and a proud father of two successful children. He currently resides in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
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