Trauma-Informed Communities Project

Launched in 2018, the Trauma-Informed Communities (TIC) Project provides a unique opportunity for North Carolina communities to develop a comprehensive, trauma-informed community response for children and families. These communities serve as a first step in a larger effort of working toward the adoption of a trauma-informed approach across the state of NC. The TIC Project takes a collaborative, systemic approach with communities to build on strengths, identify and address barriers, and move toward sustainable practices to promote a trauma-informed community approach across multiple service systems.

Participating communities include: Cabarrus, Caldwell, Chatham, Edgecombe, New Hanover, Pitt, and Wilson counties.

Learn more about the TIC Project by downloading the fact sheet below.


Funding is wholly or in part provided by the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, & Substance Abuse through the federal Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (CFDA #93.958).

No person on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, indigenous heritage, sex, gender, or sexual orientation shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any services or activities of the Trauma-Informed Communities Project.

Previous Events

Mini-Conference #1 | Defining and Discussing the Impact Trauma: What’s missing? | Flyer
Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 9am-11am

Mini-Conference #2 | The Ripple Effect of Trauma | Flyer 
Friday, December 3, 2021, 10am-12pm

Mini-Conference #3 | The Power of Collective Healing | Flyer
Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 9am-11am

Mini-Conference #4 | Building Authentic Community Connections | Flyer 
Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 9am-11am

Mini-Conference #5 | Looking Inward to Living Outward: Journey from Self-Reflection to Values-Driven Action in our Organizations | Flyer 
Friday, April 8, 2022, 10am-12pm

Mini-Conference #6 | Coming Full Circle: Systems-Thinking as the Path Forward for Trauma-Informed Communities | Flyer
Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 9am-11am

NC TIC Year 4 Summit: Moving Forward in Radical Relationships: The Cycle of Liberation  Register FLYER   
Friday, June 17, 2022, 10am-4pm


The COVID-related resources below are intended for service providers, clinicians, community leaders, caregivers, educators, and agency administrators. Select a service system for  resource links and descriptions.

Mental Health

New! Pause-Reset-Nourish (PRN) To Promote Well-Being: Use As Need to Care for Your Wellness  Good for all providers. The PRN framework is a strategy the reminds us of the types of practices that help promote wellbeing and enhance resilience. Just like you would take a medication PRN, or as needed, to address unwanted symptoms, you can Pause-Reset-Nourish to help replenish yourself when needed. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network )

Will My Child Bounce Back From the Coronavirus Crisis?  This article helps parents understand trauma and resiliency and discusses how parents can help children overcome the stress of the pandemic. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

Anxiety and Coping With the Coronavirus  This resource provides tips for parents to manage COVID-19-related anxiety –both their children’s and their own. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

Signs of Depression During the Coronavirus Crisis  This article provides parents with information on signs of depression in children, ways to talk with their children about their thoughts and feelings, and how to help. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

How Mindfulness Can Help During COVID-19  This resource provides tips on how to calm one’s anxiety during COVID-19. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

Support for Kids With ADHD During the Coronavirus Crisis  This resource offers suggestions from ADHD experts for providing extra structure and support to help manage attention and behavior challenges presented by children who are cut off from their normal routines and activities as a result of the pandemic. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

Supporting Children With Autism During the Coronavirus Outbreak  This resource provides parents of children with autism with tips for developing routines, schedules and an emergency plan that may be useful particularly during the pandemic. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

How to Support Children (and Yourself) During the COVID-19 Outbreak  This article provides parents of children ages 0-5 with tips to support a child’s healthy development and relieve stress. en Español (Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University)

How to Find a Telehealth Provider for Your Child  This article provides tips for parents seeking a virtual mental health provider for their child. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

COVID-19: Online and Remote Resources for Addiction Support  This site includes a variety of resources for family members with loved ones struggling with addiction.  (Partnership to End Addiction)

COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide  Throughout their 40-year history, NAMI has fought stigma and discrimination that marginalizes people with mental illness and poses barriers to their well-being. This guide includes answers to questions ranging from how to manage anxiety during this difficult time, to how to access medication while in quarantine, to how to deal with the loss of a loved one to COVID-19. en Español (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

Child Welfare

Social-Emotional and Mental Health Resources for Children and Caregivers  This link provides access to many e-books discussing the coronavirus. This is an excellent site for child welfare staff to share with birth, foster, kinship, and adoptive families. (Reach Out and Read)

Taking Care of Yourself  This resource presents providers with a list of self-care strategies to use after a difficult event, including awareness, balance, and connection strategies. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Parents  This fact sheet, developed by NCTSN, helps parents understand how economic difficulties can affect their families in terms of their sense of safety, connectedness, and hope. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Trinka and Sam Fighting the Big Virus: Trinka, Sam, and Littletown Work Together  This cute downloadable storybook helps young children and families talk about COVID-19. Also available is a companion story Fighting the Big Virus: Trinka’s and Sam’s Questions helps identify questions about the virus. en Español (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Fighting the Big Virus: Trinka’s and Sam’s Questions  This companion guide to Trinka and Sam Fighting the Big Virus: Trinka, Sam, and Littletown Work Together provides questions and ways to answer questions children may have about COVID-19. en Español (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Helping Children Cope with the COVID-19 Pandemic  This tip sheet was designed to address children’s concerns and worries arising from COVID-19 and the disruptions of normal life that has resulted from the pandemic. en Español (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)  NASW provides a variety of articles and resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic for social workers. Topics include guidance on social work safety, self-care, and information on supporting clients and special populations during this crisis. (National Association of Social Workers)

Managing Stress Associated with the COVID-19 Virus Outbreak  Created by the VA, this fact sheet can be very helpful for child welfare social workers when discussing the need to manage stress during the pandemic. Tips will be beneficial for the provider, as well as the client. en Español (US Dept. of Veterans Affairs)

Talking with Children: Tips for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers during Infectious Disease Outbreaks  Fact sheet breaks down what physical and emotional expectations might be anticipated for children in various age ranges and discusses how parents, caregivers, teachers, etc. might best support children in managing their responses. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)

Secondary Trauma and Child Welfare Staff: Guidance for Supervisors and Administrators  This resource gives supervisors and administrators in the child welfare system the information on the importance of addressing secondary traumatic stress (STS). (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Family Time: Supportive Virtual Family Time Program and Training (eLearning)  This online learning course gives skills to child welfare workers to support virtual family visits. (Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence)

It Takes a Village: Child Welfare in a Pandemic  This new podcast highlights how COVID-19 is shifting the everyday lives and work of frontline child welfare professionals and the children and families they serve across the state of Minnesota. This page also covers a wide range of topics and will feature interviews with researchers, policy-makers, frontline child welfare workers, community members, youth, and many others. (The Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare)

Caring for Children in Foster Care During COVID-19  This article notes the specific concerns for children in foster care during the pandemic and lists ways that caregivers can support them. en Español (HealthyChildren.Org)

Successful Video Visits with Young Children  This article provides information as to why video visits can be challenging for children in foster care. The article also includes tips for improving video visits between children in foster care and their loved ones. (National Council on Crime & Delinquency)

Child Welfare Safety Assessment and Planning During COVID-19 and Physical Distancing  [This document describes ideas from the NCCD Children’s Research Center (CRC) for how to conduct child welfare safety assessment and planning during COVID-19. (National Council on Crime & Delinquency)

Trauma-Informed Strategies for Supporting Children and Youth in the Child Welfare System during COVID-19  This brief provides guidance for child welfare administrators and staff to promote healing and increase the likelihood of resilience among children and youth, despite the many adversities associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and their involvement in the child welfare system. (Child Trends)


Psychological Effects of Quarantine During the Coronavirus Outbreak: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know  This article by the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress discusses the psychological effects of quarantine, as well as strategies for how healthcare providers can care for their patients and their own mental well-being during periods of quarantine. (Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress)

Caring for Patients’ Mental Well-Being During Coronavirus and Other Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Guide for Clinicians  This article by the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress offers guidelines for clinicians in helping care for patient’s mental well-being especially during the early stages of an emerging infectious disease outbreak (such as the Coronavirus) as there is frequently a great deal of uncertainty about the nature of the disease, its spread, scope and impact. (Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress)

Sustaining the Well-Being of Healthcare Personnel during Coronavirus and other Infectious Disease Outbreaks  This article by the Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress offers guidelines for clinicians on taking care of yourself and encouraging others to practice self-care which helps sustain the ability for taking care of those in need. (Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress)

Addressing and Supporting Physician Mental Health during Challenging Times  This webinar addresses psychological and behavioral responses to crisis events and discusses a follow-up framework for individual, peer, and organizational interventions promoting healthcare worker well-being and sustainment. (American College of Physicians)

Psychological PPE: Exploring Compassion Fatigue and Learning How to Keep Ourselves Psychologically Well  This free webinar features renowned compassion fatigue expert, Francoise Mathieu, Med CCC RP, and Dr. Jennifer Russel, FRCPC, in a discussion about the impact of Covid-19 on the health care professional and discusses resiliency factors and the importance of social support. Strategies are identified for strengthening one’s psychological personal protective equipment. (TEND Academy)

This is a Marathon – Not A Sprint: Strategies to Address Wear & Tear in Helping Professionals during COVID-19  This article discusses how essential it is that helping professionals identify strategies that will help them stay well during the pandemic. (TEND Academy)

A New Balancing Act: Resources to Manage Working from Home & Parenting During the Pandemic  This article written by Francoise Mathieu provides helpful resources to assist the professional who finds themselves trying to juggle work routines from home while parenting and/or homeschooling. She offers links to multiple articles that may provide additional insight. (TEND Academy)

Science-Based Strategies to Help Health Care Professionals Manage Stress  This fact sheet identifies self-care strategies for health care professionals who are facing additional stressors during the pandemic. (American Psychological Association).

Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law: COVID-19 Articles  Articles linked to this cite address the Covid-19 global health crisis from an array of disciplinary perspectives. Essays explore the pandemic as a political, social and comparative phenomenon that is likely to redefine public health, health policy, and health care politics for years to come. (Duke University Press)


New! Self Care for Educators  Fact sheet resource for educators working with youth who have been exposed to trauma. The focus of this resource is awareness and recognition of STS and compassion fatigue with recommendations regarding how to cope with stressors that occur when serving families and youth who experience trauma. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Trauma-Informed School Strategies during COVID-19  This fact sheet offers information on the physical and emotional well-being of staff, creating a trauma-informed learning environment, identifying and assessing traumatic stress, addressing and treating traumatic stress, trauma education and awareness, partnerships with students and families, cultural responsiveness, emergency management and crisis response, and school discipline policies and practices. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for School Staff Teachers, Counselors, Administration, Support Staff  This fact sheet discusses how challenging financial circumstances may affect school staff, students and their families and offers strategies for help including self-care techniques. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Priority for Trauma-Sensitive Remote Learning: Keeping Connections Strong  This document presents and responds to six questions related to the adoption of a trauma-sensitive lens while teaching remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative)

Continuing Learning: Playbook for Healthy School Communities  This guide aims to equip school and district leaders with specific, evidence-informed guidance and operating procedures for keeping school communities mentally and physically safe. Each chapter includes practical strategies and actionable steps to improve health in both in-person and virtual school environments. (Kaiser Permanente)

Supporting Teenagers in a Pandemic  This article summarizes six developmental areas identified by Nancy Hill where schools can work with families to nurture the specific needs of teens during the pandemic. (Harvard Graduate School of Education)

I’m Only 1 Person’: Teachers Feel Torn Between Their Students And Their Own Kids  This article discusses the difficult work-life balance that many teachers who are parents face during COVID-19. (NPR)

How to Talk to Kids When You Don’t Have the Answers  This article reviews three guiding principles to communicating uncertainty to children. (Psychology Today)

Nurturing Teacher-Student Connections in a Virtual World  This article provides stories and examples of effective and ineffective strategies to build connections with students and organized by age levels (elementary, middle, and high-school). (Education Week)

CASEL CARES: Helping Children and Families Manage Stress & Build Resilience with Dr. Bruce Perry  This recorded webinar offers  educators, parents, and families several strategies to improve children’s daily schedules, support meaningful interactions, and work towards better self-regulation. (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning)

COVID-19: Resilient Educator Toolkit  This toolkit equips teachers with actionable strategies and advice to use immediately for themselves and in working with and supporting children, parents, and families during these difficult times. Amidst chaos and through adversity, these rich teacher wellness and self-care resources can support and nurture teachers to become more resilient together. (Resilient Educator)

Early Childhood Education

Caring for Young Children While Sheltering in Place  The California non-profit which offers this resource highlights relationships and connections throughout this material. The guide provides helpful hints, tips, and activities for care-givers of children ages birth through age 5. Within this material there is an amazing multiple page resource directory. (West Ed)

All the Feels: Helping Young Children Cope with the Return to Child Care  This article discusses how infants and toddlers may struggle with returning to a child care setting. This resource provides helpful hints for how adults can help. (Zero to Three)

Getting Started with Mindfulness: A Toolkit for Early Childhood Organizations  This toolkit argues in support of the effects of mindfulness activities. Strategies are provided in this resource for implementing mindfulness techniques into your daily work and organizational culture. (Zero to Three)

Mindfulness Is a Parent Superpower  Once early childhood educators are “on board” with the positive effects of mindfulness, they can provide this link to parents helping them understand the benefits of mindfulness (being fully aware and present and calmly accepting of one’s feelings, thoughts, and body sensations). (Zero to Three)

Magic of Everyday Moments  This link provides access to a 4-part series of short video presentations that can be helpful to parents and caregivers of young children at home. With so many at home with their little ones during the pandemic, these videos can be especially helpful and supportive of your baby’s social, emotional, and intellectual development. (Zero to Three)

Guidance for Supporting Young Children Through COVID-19  This resource provides guidance and information for early educators, as well as parents. Such topics as routines, play, teaching skills, and talking to children are all timely to the pandemic. (Defending the Early Years)

Caring for Each Other  Sesame Street has provided a treasure chest of resources to help families and early childhood educators play, learn and cope during this pandemic. You can even sign up for a newsletter which will outline when new resources drop. en Español (Sesame Street)

COVID-19 Parental Resources Kit – Early Childhood  This resource is designed to help parents and caregivers with the social, emotional, and mental well-being of young children during the pandemic. (Centers for Disease Control)

Coronavirus Resources for Early Childhood Professionals  This page provides a comprehensive list of resources for early childhood professionals, including information on virtual professional development and learning opportunities, self-care, and best practices. (Zero to Three)

Juvenile Justice

New! Strengthening Your Resilience: Take Care of Yourself As You Care for Others  Fact sheet resource for Juvenile Justice Workers focused on self-care for front-line providers. This resource also emphasizes the importance of the organization supporting self-care as part of daily practice. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Working Together in the Pandemic: Tips for Front-Line Juvenile Justice Staff  This fact sheet offers front-line juvenile justice staff ways to effectively support one another during the pandemic. It includes ways to keep the work team strong, as well as, do’s and don’ts for teamwork during a time of crisis. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Working Together in the Pandemic: Tips for Juvenile Justice Administrators and Supervisors in Preparing for the Future  Offers administrators and supervisors with guidance for dealing with challenges currently faced in the juvenile justice setting. Also included are do’s and don’ts for being proactive in preparation for future challenges. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Working Together in the Pandemic: Tips for Supporting Youth and Families in a Time of Crisis  This fact sheet provides important considerations to keep in mind when working with youth and families during the pandemic. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Three-Minute Video Explains How to Transform Juvenile Probation  This video describes trauma-informed strategies for juvenile probation to promote personal growth and positive behavior change in youth. Strategies are based on human development, intervention strategies shown to reduce delinquency, and real-world pilots. (Annie E. Casey Foundation)

Think Trauma: A Training for Working with Justice Involved Youth, 2nd Edition  This four-module training provides juvenile justice staff and administrators with an overview on how to develop a trauma-informed juvenile justice setting. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Essential Elements of a Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice System  This guide describes eight essential elements of a trauma-informed juvenile justice system. It describes policies and procedures that can assist staff and administrators in better recognizing and responding to the trauma-related needs of youth, family members, and staff. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Keeping Yourself and Your Kids Safe and Healthy in the Pandemic: Tips for Judges, Legal Professionals, and Court Personnel  This fact sheet describes questions that judges, legal professionals, and court personnel can ask themselves regarding safety in their professional and personal lives. This resource also outlines five steps to helping youth manage stress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Complex Trauma: In Juvenile Justice System-Involved Youth   This fact sheet characterizes survival coping that youth exposed to complex trauma adopt to manage their lives. It also provides recommendations for judges and juvenile justice program administrators, parents and family members, and other adults who supervise youth. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Juvenile Justice Resources: Webinars on Effective COVID-19 Responses  This recently posted series of webinar recordings feature practical advice by and for youth justice system leaders and practitioners responsible for keeping young people, communities, and agencies safe. (Annie E. Casey Foundation)

Responding to the Needs of Youth Involved With the Justice System During the COVID-19 Pandemic  This article discusses how youth involved in the justice system are members of a marginalized population being disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. The article outlines the AAP’s recommendations for helping this vulnerable population. (American Academy of Pediatrics)


Keeping Yourself and Your Kids Safe and Healthy in the Pandemic: Tips for Judges, Legal Professionals, and Court Personnel  This fact sheet offers helpful questions that legal professionals and judicial and court staff can ask themselves regarding their work and personal lives during this time of the Covid-19 crisis. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Access to Justice During COVID-19: The Role of Family Courts  This Fall 2020 newsletter offers a variety of perspectives to how the pandemic has significantly impacted the judicial system nationwide. (The Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children and the Courts)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Information  This link provides access to a variety of materials and information from general COVID-19 updates to COVID-19 resources for family law professionals to pandemic resources for parents and children. (Association of Family and Conciliation Courts)

Ten Things Every Juvenile Court Judge Should Know About Trauma and Delinquency  This fact sheet will benefit juvenile court staff by explaining trauma, its impact on youth, and its relationship to delinquency. While helpful during “normal” times, this information will be particularly powerful during the pandemic. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

NCTSN Bench Cards for the Trauma-Informed Judge  While these bench cards have been helpful to judicial members since first introduced in 2013, the information is critical for judges during this pandemic crisis. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

COVID-19 Related News Articles  Though these resources have as their targeted audience federal courtrooms, information can be gleaned and applied to state and local courtrooms. (US Courts)

ALL-IN Challenge: Courts  This link shines a spotlight on how courts in 5 states and 1 territory are working to achieve permanency for children in foster care despite the challenges of COVID-19. (Child Welfare Information Gateway)

Pandemic Resources for Courts  This website houses a wide variety of resources to help state courts deal with challenges presented by the pandemic. (National Center for State Courts)

COVID-19 Resource Hub  Recognizing the unique impacts of the pandemic on youth and families served in family courts, The National Association of Counsel for Children pulled together a variety of resources targeted at this vulnerable population. (National Association of Counsel for Children)

Trauma-Informed Legal Advocacy: A Resource for Juvenile Defense Attorneys  Developed for juvenile defense attorneys, this fact sheet outlines the components of trauma-informed legal advocacy, describes the impact of trauma exposure on child development, and characterizes the effects of trauma on the attorney-child relationship. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Intersecting Identities

Cultural Responsiveness to Racial Trauma: Understanding Racial Trauma, Why It Matters, and What To Do  This helpful resource for mental health providers defines and operationalizes the key concepts of cultural responsiveness, cultural humility, and racial trauma. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Resources for Safety and Support during COVID-19  This is a webpage of resources and tools for survivors of abuse and trauma, families, communities, and service providers to promote safety and healing. (Futures Without Violence)

How to Make Black Lives Matter During COVID-19  This short article reviews the history of health disparities in Black communities and what can be done to address them. (Yes! Magazine)

The COVID Racial Data Tracker  Black, indigenous, Latinx, and other communities of color have been hardest hit by COVID-19. The COVID Racial Data Tracker has the most complete and up-to-date race and ethnicity data on COVID-19 in the United States. (The COVID Tracking Project)

COVID-19 Resources for Kids and Families  This site includes resources for children and families on how to understand the role of racism on the COVID-19 pandemic. (Embrace Race)

Resources for Immigrants during the Coronavirus Crisis  This organization provides a list of resources for undocumented people in the US who are negatively impacted by COVID-19. The website is updated weekly. en Español  (Informed Immigrant)

How Rural Communities Can Respond During COVID-19  The CDC includes special considerations for rural communities in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. en Español (Centers for Disease Control)

The Impact of Developmental Trauma in Communities of Color During the Pandemic  In this webinar, clinician Andrew Woods discusses his 20 plus years of experience working with boys and men of color. He answers questions regarding the impact of developmental trauma in communities of color during the pandemic. You must register with NCTSN to have access to this online course, however, once registered, the course is free. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Implications of COVID-19 for LGBTQ Youth Mental Health and Suicide Prevention  This report outlines ways that physical distancing, economic strain, and increased anxiety related to COVID-19 may impact LGBTQ youth; and explains how mental health providers can work to support LGBTQ youth during this time. (The Trevor Project)

Parenting and Self-Care Resources

New! Supporting Children and Teens During the Holiday Season  Fact sheet for parents (which can be also applied to service providers) on how to talk with youth about the holiday season, addressing their needs regarding changes on how holidays are celebrated due to COVID-19 and other related stressors of 2020. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Parenting Disagreements During COVID  This article provides realistic strategies to reduce parental conflict during COVID-19. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

Single Parenting During the Coronavirus Crisis  This article provides specific strategies for managing parental stress during COVID-19. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

Children May Be Afraid of Masks. Here’s How to Help.  This brief article normalizes children’s fears related to masks and provides practical tips for parents on how to mitigate these fears. (The New York Times)

Parenting in the Time of Coronavirus  Child Mind Institute’s Facebook page includes daily Facebook Live video chats with mental health clinicians and a new Facebook Group for peer support for parents. (Child Mind Institute)

Supporting Teenagers and Young Adults During the Coronavirus Crisis  This article provides recommendations for parenting teenagers and young adults living at home during the pandemic. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

The Power of Parenting during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Addressing Fears and Feelings from Prior Losses  This resource gives caregivers guidance about how to address fears and feelings of prior losses that are coming up during COVID-19. This fact sheet includes information on loss and trauma reminders, coping with separation, and the mind-body connection. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

The Power of Parenting during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Helping Children Cope with the Impending Death of a Loved One  This resource gives caregivers guidance about how to address the impending death of a loved one due to COVID-19. This fact sheet offers information on anticipating a death, preparing a child for the death, and saying goodbye. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

The Power of Parenting during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mourning the Death of a Loved One  This resources gives caregivers guidance on mourning a death of a loved one due to COVID-19. This fact sheet offers information on saying goodbye when you couldn’t be there, understanding developmental differences in behaviors associated with grief, and seeking alternative support if needed. (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Don’t Have an Hour for Yoga? Realistic Ways for Parents to Manage Stress  This article provides simple, realistic strategies for self-care for parents during COVID-19. (Seattle Children’s Hospital)

Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019  This resource helps parents and caregivers think about how COVID-19 might impact their family and what they can do to help their family cope. en Español (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus  This resource provides parents with self-care tips and helps them understand that the prioritization of parents’ self-care benefits the whole family. en Español (Child Mind Institute)

How to Support Children (and Yourself) During the COVID-19 Outbreak  This article provides parents of children ages 0-5 with tips to support a child’s healthy development and relieve stress. en Español (Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University)


The video resources below may be helpful for agencies and professionals as they navigate how to support their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click on the thumbnails to view previously recorded webinars, and stay tuned for more!

Trauma-Informed Communities and COVID-19 Workforce Wellness in Times of Uncertainty Part 1
This recorded live webinar focused on emerging lessons on trauma and COVID-19, and provided participants an opportunity to share their successes and challenges with regard to the current crisis. Part 1 of this pre-recorded webinar series discusses workforce wellness in the context of workplace stress, COVID-related stressors, and racial trauma. 
Workforce Wellness in Times of Uncertainty Part 2
Part 2 of this pre-recorded webinar series offers strategies for supporting individual and interpersonal wellness. 

Learn More


2022 Trauma-Informed Communities Summit

Childhood Trauma, Racism, Trauma-Informed Training

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CCFH Launches Year 3 of Trauma-Informed Communities Project

Trauma-Informed Training

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Project Team

Danielle Mearis Harrell, MPA Training Sustainment Manager
Pam Price, MSW Independent Contractor
Expert Child Welfare Clinician
Karinda Roebuck, CNM, MSN Chatham Organizing for Racial Equity (CORE)
Executive Director
Stephanie Terry Chatham Organizing for Racial Equity (CORE)
Michelle Wright, MPH, CHES Chatham Organizing for Racial Equity (CORE)