The Center for Child & Family Health is pleased to launch the third year of the NC Trauma-Informed Communities (TIC) Project. This collaboration between CCFH’s Training Services and the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services (NCDMHDDAS) will be co-led by Angela M. Tunno, PhD, MS and Katelyn Donisch, PhD, MSPH.
The third year of the TIC Project will provide ongoing technical assistance and trauma-informed practice implementation support to professionals involved in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 cohorts. CCFH faculty and staff will re-assess community needs; promote further implementation and sustainability practices; facilitate multiple virtual mini-conferences on a variety of trauma-informed practice topics; and host a virtual summit to facilitate the sharing of lessons learned across communities. Participating communities include: Cabarrus, Caldwell, Chatham, New Hanover, Pitt, and Wilson-Edgecombe counties.
Thanks to continued support from NCDMHDDSAS and the federal Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (CFDA #93.958), we can deepen engagement with community partners across multiple service systems – from mental health, medical, and courts to schools, juvenile justice, and child welfare – and work closely with community leadership teams to support trauma-informed systems change.