Strong Families, Healthy Kids

Our vision is that every child will be loved, nurtured, and safe, and there is nothing that contributes more to making that vision a reality than strong families. When parents and caregivers get the help and resources they need, children have a strong foundation for healthy development.

CCFH provides a wide range services for families of all kinds – from general support for first-time parents to outpatient treatment for serious mental health or behavioral concerns. With expertise across multiple disciplines, our professionals assess each family’s unique needs and deliver compassionate care grounded in clinical research.

Clinic-based Child & Family Therapy

Outpatient Clinic

The Urbaniak Clinic is an outpatient mental health clinic serving children from infancy to age 21 and their families. Our therapists use evidence-based treatments proven to be effective and healing for children and adolescents who’ve experienced trauma and young children with significant oppositional behaviors. Learn more.

Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

TF-CBT is design to address the needs of children ages 3 to 21 with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, behavior problems, and other difficulties related to traumatic experiences. TF-CBT improves a child’s or teen’s functioning following stress or trauma, enabling them to manage worries and fears, sleep problems, and harmful behaviors. Parents or caregivers are involved in treatment to support their child and reduce their own stress.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

PCIT is designed for children ages 2 to 7 who display oppositional or aggressive behavior that may or may not be due to trauma. It places an emphasis on changing interaction patterns through play. Treatment sessions focus on parenting skills, using the parent-child relationship to increase the child’s pro-social behavior and decrease problem behaviors.

Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)

CPP is designed for children ages 0 to 5 and their parent(s) or primary caregiver(s). The goal is to support and strengthen the relationship between caregiver and child so that they can heal and recover together from trauma or chronic stress.

Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS)

SPARCS is for adolescents ages 12 to 21 who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events, or who are suffering from chronic stress. It builds on their strengths to identify purpose and create meaning in their lives. Adolescents learn how to solve problems, cope, and communicate so that they are better equipped to cultivate healthy relationships and a more positive self-concept.

In-Home Early Childhood Services

Family Connects Durham

Any family in Durham County with a newborn can receive a free in-home nurse visit. Registered nurses offer supportive guidance, answer parent questions, and connect families to community resources that support child well-being. Learn more.

Healthy Families Durham

First-time parents in low-income families with a child age 0-3 can receive up to three years of weekly in-home support with an emphasis on child health and development, parenting skills, family self-sufficiency, and improved social-emotional well-being. Learn more.

Durham Early Head Start Home-Based Program

Low-income expectant parents and families with infants or toddlers can receive weekly in-home visits to promote prenatal health, enhance child development, and promote family well-being. Learn more.

Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)

CPP is designed for children ages 0-5 years and their parent(s) or primary caregiver(s). The goal is to support and strengthen the relationship between parent and child so they can heal and recover together from trauma or chronic stress. Hour-long home visits are provided weekly for one year. Learn more.

Attachment & Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC)

ABC helps build the attachment and connection between parents and very young children, which supports healthy social-emotional development in the child. It is a 10-week service delivered in the home for families with children ages 6-48 months. Learn more.

Services for Adoptive Families

CCFH offers an array of services to assist families who have adopted a child from foster care, from private agencies, or from family or friends. Services include a toll-free support line, comprehensive assessment for behavioral health concerns, access to therapeutic care, workshops, conferences, and local peer support groups. Learn more.